Thursday 25 October 2012

WWE Raw rant 22/10/2012

This week Raw started with a really entertaining Tag Team Title No.1 contendership match - Rhodes/Sandow vs Rey/Sin Cara. Showcasing the future here yet again with a really exciting/satisfying finish. Fair play to Rhodes/Sandow - I think they will eventually be worthy Tag Team Champs.

Next up, Kofi (new Intercontinental Champion) comes out for an easy win. I heard he'd won the IC title during last week and couldn't believe they'd switched it to him. I could really see Miz having a worthy/credible title run to give it some prestige back. What bothers me more is that this feud started when Kofi attacked Miz during the Larry King segment the other week - this was unprovoked and heel-like - this makes no sense for Kofi to do this?

As for Kofi's career; the guy is so talented, in the same way that Shelton Benjamin was a few years ago. I have a feeling if he isn't used right and put in the right feuds, he's just going to go the same way as Benjamin (and John Morrison for that matter) - should-be World Champions and THE future. This never really happened with Benjamin/Morrison and I have a feeling the same will happen with Kofi.

Onto my favourite - John Cena.

This week John-boy (I love how Punk calls him that so I'm going to adopt it!) comes out and kisses up to the NY Giants. He follows this up by throwing some credit to Punk for that pipebomb from last year where Punk called for change - the change being that Ryback is in the main event at HIAC. He also says that something that hasn't changed is Punk being the champ for 337 days now - got to disagree with you there John; Punk being champ for 337 days means an attempt to give the title some prestige has been made (that's a change). I'm big on people having titles for long periods of time - some don't see this as important but I think as time goes on people will realise the worth in doing this.

John-boy continued to lick Ryback's ass - even getting a chant going of his catchphrase 'Feed Me More'. You whore John - are you that desperate for acceptance/cheers (even though you say you're cool with the cheers/boos, whichever people want to give you) that you have to jump on the 'flavour of the month' at every opportunity?

Finally Punk comes out (with the 'belt carrier') to interrupt Cena's vomitfest. YET AGAIN, Punk tells it exactly how it is (even though he's a proper heel now, he still makes Cena look a dick EVERY week - this shouldn't happen?!). He calls Cena on the NY Giants reference as well as him being Ryback's cheerleader and voice - highlighting Ryback's lack of talk (which he WILL need sooner than later). He also makes a good point that while he's been the champ for 337 days, that means Cena hasn't - and for a lot longer than that period. That is the ultimate change in the last year! Cena = owned again this week.

Just wanted to point out JR's dip in quality of commentary. JR has been awesome in his play-by-play role over the years, but he makes the odd cock up that makes me chuckle - during the Cesaro vs Gabriel match, he seems to think that Gabriel is from South America and not South Africa (Cole, why didn't you correct him?!) and he also refers to Punk as the 'Greatest in the World', not 'Best' - ok I'm picky here but it is plastered on tee shirts and has been his tagline for a year now!

The other big talking point of this weeks Raw was the GM situation. I absolutely hate this overshadowing everything else. So basically, AJ resigns and Vickie takes over, but in a lesser role - 'Managing Supervisor' - which Vince says isn't an interim job (and then later tells Cena it pretty much IS interim?!) Whatever name you give it, it's still an annoying, unneeded match maker, that everyone is bored of and is a tired idea that needs scraping! Is this how we fill 3 hours every week? *sigh*

Adding to the annoyance factor of this situation is John Cena. He's just everywhere lately! He's there to let AJ know that this is crap and he's there for her if she needs - what a guy! So not only do you disrespect the title by giving away your shot, but you swap it for this horsecrap storyline?

Other highlights include; Alberto Del Rio gets to take on a REAL jobber in Zach Ryder! Finally someone who deserves to tap out is fed to ADR! Loved his intensity at the end of this match - there's still hope for Mexican JBL yet.

Finally, Heyman has some use/worth this week - giving confidence/reassurance to Punk when he's in doubt.

Main event of Champion vs Champion Lumberjack match (largest ever) is Vince's best bet to compete with the Presidential debate and sporting events happening at the same time. Hmmm...

Prediction #1: After the crap Kane/Daniel Bryan have given him, I can see Matt Striker (the former teacher) becoming Rhodes Scholars manager. Not that they need him. But there's something about Striker's confidence at the end of that segment.

Prediction #2: This is in regards to Vickie's new role/HIAC title finish. I think there could be a link with the two. Michael Cole hinted that with Vickie in charge, maybe Dolph Ziggler will have certain advantages... I think as a way of having a non-finish at HIAC, they'll get Ziggler to run in and attempt to cash in MITB, letting Punk make a run out of the cell = Punk retains (kind of) and Ryback's still undefeated. PPV finishes and crowd goes home happy after Ryback destroys Bump Master Zigg...

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