Saturday 19th October 2013 - DWA (in association with Pro EVW) - The Factory Petroc, Barnstaple, Devon
Last night saw me take the longest trek yet for a wrestling show - Devon. Waking up at 5am to go to work, followed by a quick shower and a three-hour drive to Devon, two-hour show followed by another three-hour drive home; eventually getting home at 2am this morning; doesn't seem like the best of ideas! I don't think it's something that I could do that regularly, but this show was well worth the trip down.
I was keen to see how the DWA did things differently. For starters, the venue was a good size and seemed to have a stage appropriate to showcase the entrances of the wrestlers. This spacious building was easily going to house over 200 fans - which it did with an audience of over 260 ready for the evenings show.
The card would see four simple singles matches with the main attraction of the night being the
TLC (Tables, Ladders and Chairs) match to determine the number one contenders to The Andrews Brothers' Tag Team Trophies. This would see the sleazy
Magnums going up against the new, and impressive,
Alpha Males.
Justin 'The Hammer' Sysum vs Richtor
The opening bout featured two young and up-and-comers in Justin 'The Hammer' Sysum and The Monstrosity known as Richtor. As Richtor came through the curtain to start this match, I could have sworn that there was a gasp from the fans in attendance; taken aback by the man's presence and size. Whoever Richtor was to face would surely be in for a troubled night? Justin would come out to strong support from the Barnstaple locals and would not let them down with his efforts.
The early going would show what both men were about - Justin dodging Richtor's advances with speed before Richtor would finally catch him and use his size and strength to good use. Usually, Justin would be the aggressor as he's no small man either, but he more than met his match in the tougher Richtor. There would be an impressive show of agility from Richtor, too - jumping from the floor to the ring apron, kicking Justin in the head in the process. After quite a battle, Justin would gain the win after successfully slamming Richtor - a la Hogan/Andre - on the second attempt. Good opener.
'The Winner' PJ Jones vs 'The Saviour' JD Knight
This match started out in the typical way of PJ claiming to be a winner - being very vocal about this point at close range to some of the fans faces. For some reason, the whole audience here were adamant that PJ was, in fact, a
loser. This would infuriate PJ, throwing a tantrum and demanding MC Hank McCoy reiterate that The Winner's Circle regular
had to be a winner.
Chops: JD Knight |
For me this match will be remembered for the chops that both men gave - particularly Knight's, whose chops were probably heard up the road in Tiverton! Unfortunately, Knight would miss a top-rope leg-drop; resulting in PJ launching him into the turnbuckle post and rolling him up for the handful-of-tights-three-count. Decent flowing second match.
DWA Trophy match: 'The Shark' Chris Andrews (c) vs 'Big Daddy' Bainsley
Before this match started, Bainsley, flanked by his Magnum brothers; 'Dirty' Dick Riley and 'Filthy' Chris Walker; would come to the ring to promote The Magnums participation in the TLC match later that night. Bainsley would then question why he had no match for the evening and would go onto challenge the biggest dog in the DWA - Chris Andrews. The DWA Trophy holder would then make his way out to answer the challenge - stating that he had wrestled the likes of Billy Gunn and Hardcore Holly; why should he need to take on the rotten, sleazy Bainsley?
True to being the champion that he is, Andrews would ask the fans' opinion on whether they would like to see him kick Bainsley's ass - a question that was answered with a resounding cheer. Match on.
Going into this match, it would seem that Andrews would have an easy outing against the third Magnum. This would play out in the early part of the match before Riley and Walker would reappear from the back with bad intentions. At various times, Bainsley would distract the inexperienced Ref Dom long enough for The Magnums to wear Andrews down, thus giving Bainsley the firm advantage. This would last until Ref Dom caught The Magnums in the act and ejected them from ringside. Bainsley's momentum would die shortly after, falling victim to Andrews' Stalling Suplex, a Sharpshooter attempt (Bainsley getting to the ropes) and a very mpressive Fallaway Slam Pin.
Miraculously, Bainsley would gain control again, almost winning the Championship after a World's Srongest Slam. This comeback would be short-lived as Andrews would hoist Bainsley up for the TKO. Ordinarily, this would be the ending, but Bainsley showed great ring awareness by placing his foot on the bottom rope at the critical time. A short time later, Andrews would finally get him up for a definitive TKO, this time in the middle of the ring, to retain his DWA Trophy.
The Magnums would return to the ring to deliver a beating to Andrews before The Alpha Males would storm to the ring to make the save and stare down their TLC opponents. This would be to a, somewhat, flat reaction, though. This would be rectified with the TLC match later in the evening. Big credit should go to Andrews and Bainsley here as this could've easily been a squash, but Bainsley was very convincing when he had the upper hand, beating on Andrews, whether he was helped by his fellow Magnums or not.
'Gentleman' Gilligan Gordon vs Sam Andrews
Leading up to the main event, you would expect a match that would bring the fans down a notch. This achieved that, but in the wrong way.
'Gentleman' Gilligan Gordon (photo: Tony Knox) |
Gordon would come to the ring to his usual Star Wars theme and would incite the the fans from the offset. Unfortunately, Andrews wouldn't take advantage of this; coming down with little enthusiasm and energy. As a result of this it made the match really flat and awkward at times.
The positives that I will take from this, though, were the heat that Gordon achieved throughout the match as well as the
popularity of Sam Andrews. I hate to knock anyone when watching shows, but I couldn't dispute the love and excitement that the fans had for Andrews before and throughout this match - this was confirmed when he got Gordon up for The Jackhammer and pinned him.
TLC match to determine the Number One Contenders to the Tag Team Trophies: The Magnums vs The Alpha Males
I'd already seen these teams battle it out the previous week in a normal tag team match, and I was expecting good things from this one, too. I wasn't disappointed as this match was the
war that I expected it to be and the fans would expect from their main event of the evening; both teams showing how important it is to become tag team champions, by first earning the opportunity to face the champions.
In a Ladder/TLC match, it must be difficult to come up with new and innovative things to do, but both teams seemed to have come up with unique, exciting and, at times, hilarious spots. One such comedy moment happened when 'Filthy' Chris Walker brought a small ladder into the ring to attempt to grab the briefcase (hanging above; holding the contract in it). Unfortunately, Walker would climb to the top of the ladder and realise that he was probably a couple of feet away from reaching the case! In his embarrassment he would call for 'Dirty' Dick to fetch him a bigger ladder...
There would also be tables destroyed with Charlie Garrett being Powerbombed through one by both Magnums, and then 'Dirty' Dick would get wood after receiving a Spinebuster from Iestyn Rees.
Towards the end, 'Big Daddy' Bainsley would enter the fray to aid The Magnums and would help lift Riley to the top of the ladder so that he could reach and unhook the briefcase for the win and secure The Magnums' opportunity at the DWA Tag Team Trophies. Awesome main event - well done to all four guys for the effort that went into putting on such a flowing and brutal match.
Match of the Night.
NEW number 1 contenders: The Magnums (photo: |
- Justin 'The Hammer' Sysum defeated Richtor after a huge bodyslam
- 'The Winner' PJ Jones defeated 'The Saviour' JD Knight after a roll up (with a handful of tights)
- DWA Trophy match: DWA Champion/Tag Team Champion 'The Shark' Chris Andrews (c) defeated 'Big Daddy' Bainsley after a second TKO
- DWA Tag Team Champion Sam Andrews defeated 'Gentleman' Gilligan Gordon after a Jackhammer
- TLC match to determine the Number One Contenders to the Tag Team Trophies: The Magnums; 'Filthy' Chris Walker & 'Dirty' Dick Riley defeated The Alpha Males; Iestyn Rees & Charlie Garrett when Riley gathered the briefcase - new number one contenders - The Magnums
A very enjoyable show and evening down in Devon! Other praise going to MC Hank McCoy - a very assured performance as always but something seemed extra confident and polished last night. I firmly believe that this type of showing adds to the professionalism of the show in general.
Also, a very professional performance from the rookie Ref Dom - despite having a trouser malfunction (
TROUSER SPLIT OF THE NIGHT) in the first match, he would dust himself off and fit into fellow Ref, Paz' spare trousers very snugly to continue with his evenings duties! Congratulations to Ref Paz for completing another show without splitting his trousers...
The Ultimate Rulebreaker applied the rules on this evening... |
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DWA - Devon Wrestling Association
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