Tuesday 28 April 2015

New Fandom = New Hope = New Article!

In the last few months, I have been very disillusioned by one of my hobbies, almost to the point of giving up on it altogether. Luckily, and initially thanks to my mate, Paz, I decided to take a look into the wonderful world of comic books and graphic novels. Back in about September, Paz started me off with Batman: Hush. I think it's from the early-to-mid 2000s and is easily my favourite to date.

I can't put my finger on exactly what hooked me in; it could've been the story by Jeph Loeb, leaving me wondering who the mysterious Hush would be (I had my pick throughout, was thrown off the scent before coming back to my original choice towards the end!); or maybe it was the artwork on display.

On the subject of artwork, it's been over six months later, I still have no clue what's considered 'good' or 'bad' artwork, but I think, like a lot of my fandoms tend to be, it's completely subjective. Ultimately, I know what I like and what doesn't work for me. For example, I've just finished reading Crisis on Infinite Earths (yes, it was a “heavy” read, Tim – Comic Connections?!) and prior to that I read Batman: A Death in the Family. Both of these titles' artwork are very old-fashioned to me. That's just my personal preference and in no way a knock on the artists or fellow comic book readers who enjoyed the artwork of that era. I mentioned this to the owner (?) at Comic Connections (Banbury, Oxfordshire) and he seemed disappointed in me for saying so! I think it's probably a good thing that I've pinned down which art or artists I like because it'll help me choose the right graphic novels and, in turn, characters.

Speaking of characters, I initially went with Batman and The Hulk as my 'safe' options. I felt I would commit to, and lean towards them, on my journey into comic books. Very quickly, I realised that, although I loved The [Incredible] Hulk TV show of the early eighties, I wasn't necessarily going to enjoy the comics and graphic novels of the big green giant. I think it really bothered me that there didn't seem to be much Bruce (David?) Banner; it was 99% Hulk and not his alter-ego at all.

This realisation also let me know one of the main things I'd look for going forward: A human element to my choices in characters. That might seem strange as there should be, and probably is, a human element with every superhero, but with some it seems that, for the most, it's not there as much as I'd like it to be. This is probably the reason why I've gone off Superman, too; yes, he has a human side but it's already annoying how untouchable he seems sometimes. This is why I'm gravitating towards Batman (from the start of my fandom) and new characters (for me, anyway) in Nightwing, The Flash and Shazam.

On a side note, I really love the idea behind Shazam! Putting the magic stuff aside, I love that a young kid, in awe of other heroes, can say the magic word and become the world's 'mightiest mortal'. Even when he is the adult-looking superhero, he's still such a mark for his own heroes! Brilliant!

As the days, weeks and months go on it's becoming clearer to me where I should go with regards to characters, stories and timelines (if that's the correct term – still learning!). Batman is my main man. I love the darkness, his determination, and pretty much all the characters that have anything to do with him. It's why I've got a lot more time for Robin (all the incarnations; especially Jason Todd/Red Hood) and Nightwing – a collection of graphic novels that are definitely on the 'to do' list!

With all the years and years of comics to choose from, I wondered where the hell to start. I've decided that my best bet is to read the significant events of the last thirty-years and then go from there. I've already struggled through Crisis on Infinite Earths and have Infinite Crisis on order. Next will be Final Crisis despite Tim's (Comic Connections, again) warning and then I'll read The Flash graphic novels leading to Flashpoint. Once I've gotten through that marathon I'm hoping I'll be a little more clued-up! On completion of this, I'll carry on with the Batman and Robin series that I'm in the middle of, continue my journey and education into The Flash and also other titles of the 'New 52'.

I realise that the 'New 52' is going through somewhat of a revision, which I believe 'Convergence' will sort out (this is the most modern series that I've invested in), but in the meantime I'm really excited to catch up on the previously-mentioned titles, learning and enjoying along the way!

It's such a nice feeling to read something that hooks me in, keeps me wanting more, and as the end approaches has my heart racing a little at how it might end. It's a great feeling that's been missing from other hobbies in my life.

I'm sure I'll thank them much more in the future, but huge thanks go to Tim at Comic Connections in Banbury, Oxfordshire for giving me advice and being extremely knowledgeable, and a massive thanks to my pal, Paz, for giving me great recommendations, lending me titles that peak my interest, and answering my never-ending, and often stupid, questions as I try to work my way through the DC Universe, timelines and 'Earths'?!

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