Sunday 18th May 2014 - PROGRESS Wrestling: Chapter 13 'Unbelievable Jeff!' - Electric Ballroom, Camden Town
On the train to London, the excitement of my second PROGRESS show started to kick in. Added to this was the chance to experience the cuisine on offer down the road from the venue (The Electric Ballroom) at the local food stalls. With the sun in full force, everyone was in a good mood as we lapped up the different foods on offer; everything you could ask for.
Back at the venue and it was good to see everyone again. I can't claim to know anyone of them that well but I felt more comfortable this time around (compared to my first show) as I said hi to all including the very welcoming Jim, Glen and Jon (PROGRESS owners).
The show got underway with a special message on the projection wall from none other than Chris Kamara - the man who's catchphrase was used as Chapter 13's show title. Glen and Kammy did a great skit where Kammy was trying to grasp the '
This is PROGRESS, clap, clap, clap clap clap' chant to comedic results! As if the PROGRESS faithful weren't already rabid, expectant and up-for-it, this, along with Jim Smallman's introduction made for a great start to the show. For me, Jim knows exactly the right things to say at the right time. He is humble, genuine and has a connection with the fans like nothing I have ever seen before. Yes, I have said this before but it needs repeating! I have nothing bad to say about a guy that puts his heart and soul into putting on this excellent show.
Chris Kamara introduces Chapter 13 (link)
And I have to disagree with Jim's words from he, Glen and Jon: YES, the fans do make the show, but it's you THREE that put the shows together and entertain the F*CK out of us... THANK YOU!
I'll gush a little more later on other HUGE positives to the day outside of the wrestling, but let's give the actual wrestlers some exposure here...
The first match saw Darrell Allen step in to replace the injured Marty Scurll to face the dominating Rampage Brown. Despite Rampage being part of the Screw Indy stable, he is starting to get hugely popular with the PROGRESS audience. This is not the only heel that gets this type of reaction and is just one example of the fans showing their appreciation of what they see regardless of the good guy/bad guy divide. This was similar to the End/Robinson opener from the last show in that it was a to-the-point, exciting opener to get the crowd (even more) crazy for the rest of the show. Darrell used his speed for long periods against the bigger, stronger Rampage before his luck ran out. A Piledriver later and Rampage would pick up the win in a match that only heightened both men's popularity.
Pete Dunne and Robbie X would make their PROGRESS debuts in the second match of the day, competing in the Natural Progression series. In a way, these two guys had absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain as they attempted to wow the fans where some might not be too familiar with them. I've been lucky enough to see Pete compete about four times already this year and he hasn't disappointed in ANY of them outings. I've only seen Robbie a couple of times at most and, in all honesty, hadn't warmed to him yet. I've heard the buzz and seen the matches that he's been in at Southside etc, but this was a great opportunity for him, and Pete.
I fully expected Pete to be the one to shine here, but it was Robbie that would win the PROGRESS fans over with his extremely red face. Even from the distance that I was from the ring, it was a sight to see. There was a back-and-forth between Robbie and the fans on this subject which resulted in a 'he's got a red face on his face', reminiscent of the Wyatt Family's similar chant in WWE. This was really funny and made the fans, and ME, warm to Robbie and realise his worth. This coupled with a great debut from both he and Pete made this the surprise match of the night. I knew that it was going to be good, but I thought that it would be completely overshadowed by everything else on the show. I'm very happy that I was wrong and these guys fully deserve more matches in PROGRESS. 'Please come back', Robbie.
Match three saw the massively popular Tag Team Champion, 'The Pride of Wales' Eddie Dennis taking on the newly repackaged Michael Gilbert. Gilbert used to be Mikey Whiplash, someone that I am not familiar with at all. He has now taken on a gimmick of not needing a gimmick, despite one fan pointing out that 'being a w*nker IS a gimmick'. This was a funny match at times with Eddie becoming Eddie Mysterio Jr at times and showing his Lucha side. Gilbert would get the win and would show up later, too.
Kris Travis (Project Ego) |
The number one contendership to the Tag Team Championship would take place before the interval pitting four hugely talented teams - Screw Indy (Haskins and Sha Samuels (replacing Nathan Cruz for the night)), Project Ego, London Riots and The Swords of Essex - in an elimination match. The first part of the match would get a little frustrating for me as it seemed like everone was going through the motions before an elimination would take place. An elimination just didn't seem to be coming before the match would drastically pick-up thanks to an eight-man brawl. This would see Paul Robinson thrown on top of everyone on the outside, followed by both Ego members jumping over the top rope to add to the chaos. This part would then be completed by young Will Ospreay taking flight on top of his opponents in the most impressive move of the segment.
Things would break down quickly after this: Ego and Screw Indy would continue the fight up the entrance way, to the stage and get counted out by ref Chris Roberts. This would leave the Riots and Swords of Essex to fight it out for the right to face the champs. After taking great punishment from the Riots, Ospreay would break free to try to tag in only to be left high-and-dry by Robinson - walking out on his partner at the critical time. Despite Ospreay's best efforts, two Riots were too much to overcome. This was a really exciting second half to this match with a great twist at the end.
Before the interval could start, the Riots, joined by PROGRESS Champion Jimmy Havoc, would start to beat on Will Ospreay in a Reservoir Dogs-style, complete with 'Stuck in the middle with you' accompanying the torture. Luckily for Ospreay, Defend Indy wrestling members Mark Andrews, Eddie Dennis and Pete Dunne would make the save... but no Paul Robinson.
The first half of the show was great and it dawned on me that the second half had the potential to blow it all away... it was a scary thought to think that we were about to get three more matches of high quality. This. Is. PROGRESS, I suppose..
Fifth on the card was El Ligero taking on Tommy End - both immensely popular in the Ballroom. I was really looking forward to this match as I have NEVER seen a bad Ligero match and Tommy End made me a fan after his match with Robinson at the last show. Unfortunately, just like with the Mastiff/Williams match from the last show, this one somewhat underwhelmed me. I hate, hate, HATE writing that, but it's the truth: it just seemed very stop-starty all the way through to the interference from Michael Gilbert. There were some great exchanges and hard-hitting moves at times but the stuttery nature of the rest really hurt it. I need to stop having ONE match that I'm excited for more than the rest as it has been the one that I've picked fault at both times!
Tommy End |
It probably should be said that with how different each match was, it was probably in Ligero and Tommy's minds to come up with something different. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me this time. NEXT time I KNOW will be better!
The penultimate match of the night is the one that I wrote the least notes for. This is because I was in complete AWE of what I was seeing. I wanted to see every move, every hold, every exchange and every reaction. Jim [Smallman] is absolutely right when he says that Zack Sabre Jr and Prince Devitt are two of the best WRESTLERS in the world. Obviously, that's down to opinion but I think few could argue with that statement - from everyone on the UK scene, these two are well known to have learnt their trade extensively - and it showed.
I'm not going to go through the match move-by-move, or spot-by-spot, as there was so much to this match, and so much more than the wrestling, that was impressive. Devitt's entrance was/is something that you have to see live. On this night he was painted as The Joker (Heath Ledger version), complete with Joker entrance/ring attire - I say ring attire as it seemed he would compete in the shirt, tie and waistcoat!
Devitt's entrance, facial expressions and mannerisms were very reminiscent of The Joker from the film. I really don't want to sound sh*t here, but it wasn't just a wrestling match; it was a
performance. I hope that is seen as a compliment as it is fully intended as one. These are two guys that know EXACTLY what they are doing in the ring at ALL times.
Ref Paz & Prince Devitt |
I felt sorry for Mark Andrews and Jimmy Havoc having to follow that.
Luckily, and thankfully, the PROGRESS fans LOVE Mark Andrews and absolutely HATE Jimmy Havoc. I love how much they hate him. It is so fresh to see fans nearly come to blows with guys like Havoc and the Riots. 'It's still real to me, dammit!' should be something that more people should say and believe in as that suspension of disbelief is what makes wrestling REALLY fun. I've read some tweets from fans this morning that say Jimmy Havoc is the best heel that they've seen live and I have to agree with them. His entrance, mannerisms and disdain for the fans and Jim Smallman make him so hated. A job well done.
This match stepped out of the shadow of Devitt/Sabre Jr due to the passion shown by them AND the fans' love/hate for the competitors. Everything was used from chairs to small step-ladders to various tables set up and demolished by Havoc and Andrews' bodies. The tables looked thick and unforgiving so fair play to both guys for putting themselves at risk for our bloodthirsty pleasure!
Unfortunately, Andrews could not wrestle the PROGRESS title away from Havoc due to interference from the Riots and then Paul Robinson; confirming his new hated status by being the deciding factor at the end. That ending sets so much up for the next show(s) and was a great way to make sure we all get our tickets for next time around...
Paul Robinson would have an eventful Chapter 13 |
- Rampage Brown defeated 'Dazzling' Darrell Allen
- Natural Progression series: 'Dynamite' Pete Dunne defeated Robbie X
- 'No Gimmicks Needed' Michael Gilbert defeated PROGRESS Tag Team Champion Eddie Dennis (Eddie Mysterio Jr)
- Number One Contendership to the Tag Team Championship (Elimination match): The London Riots defeated Project Ego (Travis & Kirby), Screw Indy (Haskins & Samuels) and Swords of Essex (Ospreay & Robinson) - Order of Elimination: 1st: Project Ego/Screw Indy; 2nd: Swords of Essex
- Tommy End defeated El Ligero
- Prince Devitt defeated Zack Sabre Jr
- PROGRESS Championship (Ladder match): Jimmy Havoc (c) defeated Mark Andrews
Chapter 12 was my first PROGRESS show and was the best wrestling show that I had ever been to. I'm pleased to say that Chapter 13 topped it! The matches were great; the wrestlers gave 110% everytime; the storyline progression is simple, flowing and makes sense; the connection that Jim and the fans have is out of this world; the smile and pleasure that you take home with you cannot be beaten...
I urge you to get tickets to one of their future shows. If you can...
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